5.16.18 Beatdown at The Bridge Back Blast

Yesterday was a long day, I mean long. After an early morning run, long day at work, swim lessons and my final meeting at church I was ready to go home. Only to find out that I was not going home, instead, I was going to meet friends for dinner and drinks, at 9 PM…

I knew I needed to get up early to lead this morning, but stayed out late anyway. I knew the PAX would not let me down and they would show for the workout no matter what. This group truly inspires me and drives me, so I awoke early this morning and was ready to deliver a Bridge Beatdown because we don’t get up for easy.

QIC: McAfee

15 PAX: Forced Closed, Little Jerry (Respect), Bob Ross, Nino, Dynomite!, Peach, Huggies, Whiff, Mr. Burns (FNG), Valdeez, Mr. Hat, Uncle Rico, Gypsy, Gravedigger, McAfee

Started off with a little disclaimer and a quick reminder that these workouts are meant to challenge each of us individually. It’s all about you versus you, and fighting that mental battle just as much as the physical battle. With that being said, we were off.

We ran around the parking lot with some high knees and butt kickers mixed in until we circled up in the parking lot for COP.



20 Merkins IC (2-count) – Hold plank until next exercise

20 Should taps IC (hold plank until next exercise)

20 Plank Jacks IC (hold plank until next exercise)

20 Mountain Climbers IC (recover)

Now that the shoulders were warmed up and burnin’ we did some Matt Biondis to loosen everything up and get the shoulders ready for the next Thang. It amazes me how impressed some of the PAX get with a little coordination. PAX< keep working on those Matt Biondis. Finally did some Finkle Swings for good measure.

Next, we mosey back to the start to pick up some coupons and head for the Bridge.


Since we had 15 PAX and only 8 coupons we split into 2 groups for 11s on the Bridge. The two groups started on opposite sides of the Bridge and performed the following:

Side 1: Start with 1 McAfee Manmaker (Kilo said there was a name for this in the lexicon, but I did not find it, so I am naming it)

*McAfee Manmaker – This is a manmaker performed with a coupon. Start with both hands on the coupon, shoulder tap to each side, merking with your chest all the way to the coupon, then do a groiner like you would for a burpee, lift the coupon, and squat up into a shoulder press. That’s one rep.

After the McAfee Manmaker, bear crawl to the top of the Bridge and mosey the bottom.

Side 2: Start with 10 Dorothy Squats (another one I could not find in the lexicon, so I am naming them) *Essentially this is a jump squat where you tap your heels together in the air.

After Dorothy Squats, walking lunge to the top of the Bridge and mosey to the bottom.

Repeat this back and forth to the complete the 11s cycle.

We ran into a time crunch and had to modify to finish by 6:15.

We got the coupons and moseyed back to the flag for COT.

Others have said this before, and I will say it again, this group is STRONG. I am always impressed by this group of men. T Claps to all who came out today, especially Mr. Burns who killed it as an FNG. Seriously, dude was sweatin’ so much I thought he ran through the splash park at the end of the workout.

Intentions; Reminder about the Make a Wish Walk that Double Down is promoting. Show him some love by donating or rucking with him on Saturday. Reach out to DD for more info. The FEAT 5K is on Saturday at the Poshlands. I and many other PAX will be there showing there support, so come on out if you can make it.

Finally, we closed out with a prayer just thanking God for the opportunity to share this time of fellowship together and truly sharpen one another.

Until next time… Next Monday!!

-McAfee Out

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