Back Blast 4/03/2019 Wednesday Heavy #BlackOps at #theCounty Crock Pot Q

0530: County Portico (near playground)
Weather: 36 deg F, still and calm, no wind.
PAX: Bulletin (R), Jolly Rancher, Big Bird, Crock Pot (Q)
Disclaimer given, No FNGs.
Warm Up:
Since we’d be lifting, YHC wanted everyone to be stretched well. Emphasis placed on range of motion, not speed.
Kendra Newmans (10 count forward, 10 count reverse)
Sprinkler (IC): x10
Imperial Walkers (IC): x10
Good Morning (Bear Hug/Hulk) (IC): x10
Toy Soldier (IC) x10
Michael Phelps (IC) x10
Abe Vigodas (IC) x10
Knee Pulls (IC) x 10
Slooooooow Grass Grabbers (IC) x 10
PAX got a description that since our budgets obviously didn’t warrant a spring break vacation, we would spend the morning doing some extreme couponing. Today’s workout was a You vs. You recurring Tabata of 40 seconds work & 20 seconds rest. Despite the fact that each work interval was AMRAP, quality trumped quantity. PAX were encouraged to do as many exercises as possible with a coupon in each hand. 12 exercises awaited us: 4 upper body, 4 core, & 4 lower body. We made it through the list 2 full times and cherry picked exercises for an abbreviated round 3. The de-facto final exercise was a farmer walk to return the coupons.
‘M’ Merkins (I’ll be using these again for sure)
Alt. Overhead Press
Wide Merkins on Coupons
Standing Oblique Crunch (Left & Right)
American Hammer
Planked Pull Through
Weighted Plank
Step Up
(Left & Right) Compass Lunges (North, East, South, West)
Farmer Walk
Message- Today with a coupon in each hand, it was obvious we were working harder and carrying more weight than on a typical workout. But, as was mentioned during Mental Health Awareness last week, lots of people around us are carrying more weight than normal. The catch is, we can’t always ‘see’ the weight they’re carrying or how hard it’s pushing them. Sometimes we can see clues, but you have to look closely. Let’s keep in mind that our brothers and sisters are likely carrying a weight we don’t see. As HIM, we should encourage them and help carry the load.
Announcements- Big Bird is doing some homework on Passion Ruck 4/19. More info to come soon. It’ll be excellent and will show off some of the County.
Intentions- Big Bird has an extended family member (Pete) who’s been carrying a burden and fighting a fight lately that we don’t see. He’s got high impact potential, so we prayed that SkyQ lifts him up, opens his heart and plants seeds of positive interactions with people all around him. Thanks for all the blessings SkyQ pours out on us every day, even when we don’t deserve it.
Until next meal,
Crock Pot

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