BB Whole Lotta Tabata 6/11/2024 The Loco at the County

We had 5 show up early for a 3 mile run around the county loop. Big Bird would have made 6 but got stuck behind a train. We had some good discussions about the good old days when Costco had more samples and supreme pizza. All runners stuck around for the Thing except for AbacusContinueContinue reading “BB Whole Lotta Tabata 6/11/2024 The Loco at the County”

PreBlast Whole Lotta Tabata 6/11/2024 The Loco at the County

Pacing and timing are not my strengths so plan for a Tabata style work-out to keep things on schedule. Bring a coupon or grab one on site. If you’re looking for some Sandlot miles, 5:00 am pre-run is a possibility. COP The Thing Tabata #1 (4 exercises, 3 sets, 30 seconds on, 15 second rest)ContinueContinue reading “PreBlast Whole Lotta Tabata 6/11/2024 The Loco at the County”

PB- The Nest at the County – 5/11/24

It’s the week after Derby but we are going to get some moseying in this week during the Nest. Grab the those running shoes and leave those coupons at home. We will do the full County Loop over the hour but don’t worry we will have lots of stops for exercises along the way. Let’sContinueContinue reading “PB- The Nest at the County – 5/11/24”

3/7/24 – The Agony at the County – Meter Maid Q

After the monsoon this morning, conditions will be optimal for an off-site exploration of the nearby Greater County Area. A headlamp and gloves would be a good idea. No coupons needed for this 0530 adventure. Game for a PreRuck at 0445 if anyone is interested and reaches out to me. -Meter Maid

PB – The Loco at the County – Meter Maid Q – 1/2/2024

It is start of a new year and if you weren’t part of 50+ pax that posted on 1/1/2024, make plans for the County. Bring you a coupon (or use one on site) and some gloves. It will be full body and have some running. As a plus for those doing the pull challenge, youContinueContinue reading “PB – The Loco at the County – Meter Maid Q – 1/2/2024”

PB – 11/22/23 – Foundry at the County – depends Q

Theme of the week… Rule #76: No excuses, play like a champion (shout out to @Sewanee). It will be a heavy (no snickering). No running. Coupon needed. Jams provided (hopefully gets the certified M, aka Em dawg, approval tonight). Excited to Q @ the County! 🗣️ Giddy up giddy up! (smacked a small gala appleContinueContinue reading “PB – 11/22/23 – Foundry at the County – depends Q”

PB- The Nest at the County – 9/23/23 – Meter Maid Q

YHC will be loading up the Explorer with everything but the kitchen sink (think potted plants, sandbags and rucks). You will do reps and get in some immediate running. We will conclude with some ultimate frisbee. Bring an extra pair of old shoes and an FNG. No coupon needed for admission. Go time is 0700.ContinueContinue reading “PB- The Nest at the County – 9/23/23 – Meter Maid Q”